Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Push Pull Factors for Central American Migration to the U.S.

Central Americans have spread throughout the world as a result of being pushed out of their countries during a time of political and economic strife.  Migrants have left their homes in search of work as well as refuge from corrupt government and war.  A large percent of the U.S. work population had migrated to the U. S. from Central America; some have U.S. visas and others are undocumented.  I will explore the process and reasons for migration as well as the benefits and downfalls of having a U.S. visa.  Central Americans were drawn to the United States by the opportunities that northern life offers, as well as by the illusions of the “American dream”.  The American dream is a romanticized view of life in the U.S.; prosperity, equality, and a healthy happy lifestyle. 
Push factors for migration are what has in the past or is currantly pushing Central Americans away from their home country.

  • War/ Corrupt Government
  • Inequality
  • Poverty
  • Unemployment
  • Violence
Pull factors for migrarion is what is pulling the migrants from Central America toward the United States.

  • Rumors of prosperity and easy living
  • Employment opportunities
  • Other family members already living in the U.S.
  • Money to send back to family

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